Saturday, July 5, 2008

Its a long day, living in the valley.

John Mayer just released a great new collection of music live on DVD. Hubs was playing the sample from the remake of "free falling" by Tom Petty. Its a nice interpretation. It also demonstrates nicely what it feels like to wake up early for no reason on the weekend and have a really long-or hour longer day. We got up about seven and got our selves dressed and breakfasted. At a quarter past eight we went to Target and went on a grocery hunt. We got all sorts of good stuff. We made lunch around 11 and by then with the sound of railroads singing quietly helped Preston drift off into his nap. Daddy was busy putting the swingset together by then so we amused ourselves at the mall for a little while. Bath and Body works was having a sale so Preston grabbed the first bottle he saw and wouldnt put it down so I got that and some little hand lotions in order to break a bill for cash for the carousel I Only spend fifty cents because I still had a gift card from my days at Dell. Preston of course loved the carousel and that was a nice way to end our visit that day. I decided to make Pizza for dinner and that ended up nice. The Chef Boyardee kits usually make a nice dough, nice and chewy. Now I'm wondering Whats on Tivo?

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